ADHD: singer Louane talks about her disability

ADHD singer Louane talks about her disability

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    in collaboration with

    Dr. Joachim Müllner (Psychiatrist)

    Singer Louane was diagnosed as a child with attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD). What is this disability? How does it influence everyday behavior and mood? The answers of Dr. Joachim Müllner, psychiatrist and member of the committee of experts of Doctissimo.

    The singer Louane confides regularly, in interviews, to discuss important subjects. Lately, it is about her handicap, an attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) for which she is “followed by a psychiatrist”, that she speaks.

    “Excessive” behavior, linked to his disability

    In an interview on the set of the show C à Vous, on January 24, she explains: “This translates into excessive behavior, particularly in a setting where you need calm, a concentration that is very small and that must be overstimulated. […] It results in isolation, ultimately: I have no friends because I am, in the eyes of others, unbearable. Because I move, because during class I speak out loud as if I were all alone. Because I can’t hold myself, because when I read I lose track of what I’m reading when I’m trying so hard to do it.…”

    What is ADHD?

    ADHD for “Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity” is a neurodevelopmental disorder that combines an attention deficit: inability to maintain attention, to complete a task, frequent forgetfulness, distractibility, avoidance of tasks requiring attention increased, with possible motor hyperactivity (constant agitation) as well as impulsivity (difficulty waiting, postponing, urgent need to act)“ First details Dr. Joachim Müllner, psychiatrist and member of the committee of experts of Doctissimo.

    According to the Haute Autorité de Santé, between 3.5 and 5.6% of school children suffer from ADHD in France, and between 2.5 and 2.9% of adults.

    The diagnosis must be made by a doctor (neurologist or psychiatrist) or a neuropsychologist specialized in the evaluation of these disorders. “It is done by combining observed clinical elements, clinical elements reported – in particular by parents for children – and psychometric assessments such as the WISC-IV to assess intellectual efficiency, the TEA-Ch to assess attentional abilities in children, or various tests to assess executive functions, such as planning abilities, working memory…” adds Dr. Müllner.

    What are the treatments for this disorder?

    The treatment of this disorder combines non-drug treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapies, family guidance, systemic therapy, school rehabilitation, medico-social care, but also drug treatments, in particular methilphenidate” emphasizes the specialist again.

    Is there a link between ADHD and weight gain?

    Louane also talks about her “warning signs“.”In general, my weight fluctuates quickly, I do anything with food, I tend to become hyper aggressive, but for nothing, just for no reason. (…) I become aggressive with the people I love unfortunately” she describes.

    Are his weight gains and losses related to this disorder? “In recent years, several meta-analyses and reviews of the literature have shown that there is a statistical link between ADHD and obesity. However, the link is not a causal link but rather a statistical association. To explain the reasons for this association, several avenues are mentioned: common genetic factors or the increase in the prevalence of addictive disorders in food… these hypotheses remain for the moment to be supported on a scientific level. concludes Dr. Müllner.
