Adeline Toniutti: the remark of the Star Academy teacher who upset Julien

Adeline Toniutti the remark of the Star Academy teacher who

ADELINE TONIUTTI. Julien made a scene in Adeline Toniutti’s singing class, after the Star Academy teacher made a remark to him that he did not appreciate.

[Mis à jour le 24 octobre 2022 à 17h14] The Star Academy, these are courses but also scandals which come to punctuate the Quotidienne. And as live viewers could see, a remark from Adeline Toniutti did not please Julien at all. During a singing lesson, which was not compulsory for the students, the Star Ac 2022 teacher criticized her lack of motivation and criticized her seriousness. She did not appreciate that, once again, he was laughing in class with another classmate.

This reflection did not please the Star Academy student at all. Julien left Adeline Toniutti’s course with a “damn I’m breaking”, very annoyed by the remark of the singing teacher who continued her course as if nothing had happened. On social networks, the attitude of the 2022 candidate was sanctioned by Internet users, while the attitude of the singing teacher was praised.

The accident that made her mute

Adeline Toniutti is the new singing teacher at Star Academy. The latter has already been able to demonstrate her skills in the Daily, broadcast on TF1 from Monday to Friday at 5:30 p.m. and Saturday at 5:20 p.m. But did you know that this former lyrical singer, who did 10 years of opera, lost her voice for several years? In an interview with Télé 7 Jours, Adeline Toniutti returned to this difficult moment in her career: “I lost [la foi en son art]. I really wondered why this was happening to me, that nothing worse could happen. I couldn’t speak anymore. The only thing left for me was to listen to music, Freddy Mercury, Grégory Lemarchal, artists who gave me the strength to stay alive.”

In 2014, Adeline Toniutti lost her voice following a domestic accident which she then recounted on the program Ca commence today on France 2. The accident related to chimney smoke deprived her of her work instrument, his voice. Having become mute, unable to speak but only to whisper, she became a vocal coach with the idea of ​​helping singers to better control their voices. It is also in this context that she joined the Center d’Art Lyrique de Paris (CALYP), an organization she created with doctors to treat singers’ voices. It was after three surgeries that his voice was returned to him, a life journey illustrated in a documentary called “Operation Opera”.

Adeline Toniutti found her voice in 2018 and put on a show on Freddie Mercury, which took her to the stages of New York. She will play in 2023 in the musical Rodolphe written and composed by Elie Chouraqui. Before that, she will therefore be responsible for the vocal coaching and singing of the 13 Star Academy candidates, whose level she has already appreciated, while setting lines of work (breathing, stress management in particular) for several of them from the start. first bonus!

The journey of Adeline Toniutti

The Star Academy is not a new experience for the singer from Belfort since she had already participated as a coach in the program Prodiges on France 2 then as a jury on the program Together – Tous avec moi on M6 . Adeline Toniutti notably succeeds Armande Altaï, one of the figures of the TF1 show during the 2000s. also rock!
