Adding an alert system to Android for trackers like AirTag

Adding an alert system to Android for trackers like AirTag

tracking accessory Apple AirTag It brought about a bad situation as well as a good one. Here’s a step on Google beating.

Unfortunately, AirTag and similar devices have started to be used for other than their intended purpose. Persons to steal with these devices cars and for harassment He also uses it to follow people.. Instances of this are increasing drastically, and this is very worrying. Malicious people can hide / put Apple AirTag on the bags, cars, bicycles or clothes of people they catch sight of. learn where they live. There are security solutions offered by Apple against this frightening and bad situation. on iPhones “you have an AirTag on / with you that is not yours” warning is given. On the Android side, Apple signed for this tracker detect you need app. To avoid being tracked with AirTag scanning with this application, adding that to your worries need.

This is the application-based alert infrastructure, which can be built into every tracker in the next Android version. According to the reviews, Google has given Android “unrecognized device alertsAdded a menu named ”. Exactly how this will work is not yet known. However, the system will most likely run automatically in the background and give an alert when it detects an unrecognized Bluetooth-based tracking device soon.


for this feature Google, Apple, Tile and Samsung It is thought that companies that produce tracking devices such as these can work together. Companies must do this because control is gradually lost in the process.

Besides AirTag and Android development you may also be interested in: Apple Mac Studio and Studio Display
