Addictologist: role, price, when to see it?

Addictologist role price when to see it

The addictologist is a doctor specializing in physiological and psychological addictions (addiction to tobacco, sugar, screens, games, sex, etc.). When to consult it? How to find it?

Definition: what is the role of an addictologist?

The addictologist is a doctor, who has undergone specific training (capacity or DESC), and who has specialized in physiological and psychological addictions. The fields of action of the addictologist are diverse and varied. It deals in particular with:

  • tobacco addiction
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Food addiction (sugar addiction, chocolate addiction)
  • Cannabis addiction
  • Opioid addiction
  • Cocaine addiction
  • Gambling addiction
  • sports betting addiction
  • Sports addiction (bigorexia)
  • Gambling addiction (casino addiction, poker addiction, etc.)
  • sex addiction
  • Addiction to video games
  • Digital addiction (social media addiction, screen addiction, mobile phone addiction, etc.)
  • Compulsive shopping addiction…

Its role is to assess a person’s situation in order to determine whether they are suffering from a product or behavioral addiction (for example addiction to gambling, compulsive eating, screens, etc.))”, explains Doctor Nathalie Vigé-Vanheeghe, addictologist.

The doctor also realizes a health check particularly when it comes to alcohol addiction given the many somatic complications. “He always inquires about the person’s request and assesses his motivation for changing his lifestyle. It does not impose weaning or stopping the behavior but accompanies and guides the patient towards recovery. This period is called the “risk reduction”. This motivational support is necessary to bring out the patient’s request. “The doctor also provides marital or family counseling if the person is requesting. He makes sure to inform and support those around him“.

The addictologist doctor works in multidisciplinary team : nurse, APA teacher, sophrologist, art therapist, psychologist, social worker… “He sets up or coordinates therapeutic workshops. These workshops aim to encourage people to change their lifestyles in order to allow them to get out of addiction more easily.“. The idea is to restore a taste for life. “The addictologist doctor treats the person as a whole, physical, psychological and social, he listens a lot and helps to make connections to understand what the addiction is related to.. It’s necessary several months of follow-up.

When to consult an addiction specialist?

As soon as you ask yourself questions about a habit that is a little too present in your life, to take stock, answers the specialist. So it is important that people consult before things get too bad. The doctor will thus be able to prevent, inform and already help the person to change his habits. A person of the entourage can also come to consult for advice or support (if the patient himself does not want to consult). “Very often this approach facilitates access to care.

If it is possible to stop the use of an addictive product or behavior alone, without needing outside help, it is important to know that addiction often makes withdrawal difficult. This is why before any stop, it is advisable to meet a professional in addictology (addictologist, tobacco specialist, etc.) to evaluate their consumption, their dependence, their motivations to quit and establish a quitting protocol adapted to its own case“, underlines Ameli, the online platform of the Health Insurance. “A session with an addictologist is a medical consultation mainly on the interview. The doctor listens a lot to the patient’s journey and questions him about his addiction“, assures Dr. Vigé-Vanheeghe.

Treatment for addiction is multidisciplinary. “It is most often based on the combination of individual and collective psychological care, drug treatment for addictions to certain psychoactive substances and social support. Comprehensive care is essential, the addiction is never an isolated problem in a person’s life“, continues Ameli. As part of the follow-up of the patient psychological care is usually instituted. Of the drug treatments can be prescribed as part of the withdrawal of patients dependent on alcohol, tobacco and opiates.

How much does an addiction treatment cost?

An addiction doctor can work in different establishments. In particular, he may exercise:

  • in a liberal cabinet,
  • in an alcoholism department in a hospital
  • in Centers for care, support and prevention in addictology (CSAPA).

The price depends on where you consult, resumes our interlocutor. In a CSAPA, consultations are fully covered by health insurance. with doctors, nurses or other professionals. But the waiting times are long. “The majority of CSAPAs welcome users on an outpatient basis. Some offer residential care services (Residential Therapeutic Centers, Therapeutic Communities, etc.)“, explains the government on its website MILDECA (Interministerial Mission for the Fight against Drugs and Addictive Behaviours).

Is it reimbursed?

In a CSPA:If the detox treatment takes place in a CSAPA, the costs are fully covered by the Health Insurance.says the doctor.

In a care unit specializing in addiction from a public or private establishment, the cost is reimbursed by the Health Insurance up to 80% and the remaining 20% ​​is paid by the health insurance fund or the patient.

In a hospital addiction consultation,there is coverage of the CPAM and the mutual. It is always necessary to make sure that the mutual takes charge of the part which is due to it because sometimes and it disengages for the problems of addiction. It is necessary to check that the contract of his mutual insurance company includes the code DMT 214″.

There are directories of addictology services on the internet : French Society of Addictology (SFA), National Association of Alcoholism and Addictology (ANPAA), Addiction Federation…, details the addictologist. The good addictologist doctor will be the one with whom the patient feels confident. Not every doctor is right for everyonee”.

What training to become an addictologist?

An addictologist is a doctor who has followed specific training (capacity or DESC). “An addiction doctor perhaps generalist and have passed a specific “ADDICTOLOGY CAPACITY” diploma following a 2-year training after medical studies, notes the specialist. It can also bea psychiatrist and his diploma is then called “DESC“which he also drops out after 2 years of study”.

Thanks to Doctor Nathalie Vigé-Vanheeghe, addictologist at Clinique Mégival (Vivalto Santé group) in Saint-Aubin-sur-Scie (76)
