Added climbing ability with new Skyrim mod

A new Skyrim mod adds the climbing feature, making the gameplay similar to modern games.

While thousands of mods have been added to Skyrim over the years, this mod focuses on a feature that could modernize the experience for some players.

Long missing feature in Skyrim is now available with this mod

Climbing in Skyrim often consisted of visually clumsy trailing surfaces and exiting. Since Skyrim still doesn’t have the correct climbing mechanics today, a mod maker combined climbing physics with appropriate animations.

Reddit user Good_Breakfast8000, recently made by sokco816 skyclimb He shared a video introducing the new Skyrim mod called. Good_Breakfast8000 demonstrates how the climbing feature works in different Whiterun locations using Skyclimb by enabling other mods.

First, Good_Breakfast8000 climbs the stalls in front of the Whiterun Inn, then repeats the same process in front of Arcadia’s Cauldron, another building, and the roof surrounding the Skyrim Gildergreen tree. The character Good_Breakfast8000 can jump from areas it reaches without taking fall damage, and the animations are reminiscent of other modern games. Skyclimb uses another mod, EVG Animated Traversal, to perform these animations.

Climbing experience is like modern games with Skyclimb Mod

Skyclimb has already been downloaded over 10,000 times and has received several bug reports. These reports include issues with the player returning to where they started climbing, jumping on tables, and game freezing when interacting with the Skyrim enchantment table. Newly released on July 31, Skyclimb may go through a few changes before it reaches its full potential. But despite the problems, Skyclimb’s core mechanics allow players to easily access hard-to-reach areas.

While the Skyrim video shows Skyclimb in Whiterun, it’s clear that the mod may not be optimized for every region. As the mod has already been updated, the reported issues may be fixed soon. This mod can also help players explore hidden areas of Skyrim’s open world or reach impressive heights for in-game photography.
