Add it to the water while the egg is boiling! you won’t believe

Add it to the water while the egg is boiling

Boiled egg is one of the foods frequently preferred by those who fast during Ramadan, as it is both beneficial and keeps you full. Although it is fun to eat a boiled egg, peeling it is a process that takes some time. If you throw 2 slices of lemon into the egg while boiling, you will see that the shell of the egg is peeled off by itself after cooking.


Egg is a food with high nutritional value in itself. It contains amino acids that are very beneficial for human health and that the body needs. Boiled eggs are rich in folic acid, iron, zinc, phosphorus and protein. In the light of all these vitamins and minerals, we can say that boiled egg is a nutritious food. Especially pregnant women, lactating women and children in developmental age should definitely include boiled eggs in their daily nutrition program.

Boiled eggs support the immune system thanks to the vitamins, minerals and components it contains. It helps the body to be more resistant to diseases. It gives the body the energy it needs.

Thanks to the protein and amino acids it contains, the egg plays a major role in strengthening the bones. Consuming boiled eggs regularly accelerates growth and development. It also reduces the risk of osteoporosis seen with advancing age.


Eggs are one of the most popular foods for athletes. The reason is that thanks to the protein and amino acids it contains, it repairs the muscles and supports the formation of new muscles. Protein is effective in the development of muscles and helps to increase muscle mass in the body. With these features, boiled eggs are an ideal food for athletes and those interested in bodybuilding.


Toxins in the liver cause serious harm to the whole body. For a healthy skin and hair, the liver must be purified from toxins. Eggs are a food rich in phospholipids that cleanse not only the liver but also the whole body of toxins. By consuming boiled eggs regularly, you can help your body get rid of toxins.

Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common health problems faced by people who spend long periods indoors. The deficiency of this vitamin reduces the quality of life in the long term and may invite serious health problems. One of the foods recommended to be consumed to increase the vitamin D value in the body is eggs. As a result of the researches, it has been observed that consuming 2 boiled eggs every day contributes to the increase of vitamin D value.


High levels of bad cholesterol can cause serious problems such as heart attack, stroke and stroke, and high blood pressure. Eggs, which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, fight bad cholesterol. Studies have shown that eating 2 boiled eggs a day protects cardiovascular health.

Choline plays an important role in the healthy functioning of the brain. The lack of this substance can lead to various problems, especially forgetfulness and early dementia. Eggs contain plenty of choline. It is enough to consume 2 boiled eggs every day to meet the choline substance that the brain needs.

The decrease in lutein in the yellow spot in the eye is one of the most important causes of vision loss. A shortage of this substance can cause various eye disorders. Eggs, which contain plenty of lutein, are at least as effective as carrots in protecting eye health. Consuming boiled eggs regularly protects against eye diseases and improves eyesight.
