Add 3 scoops to your laundry, and your towels will be like new. They will become as fluffy as a cloud

Add 3 scoops to your laundry and your towels will

Discover the secret of a towel as soft as a cloud! An economical and natural tip awaits you. Curious?

Every time we step out of the shower, the sheer pleasure of a soft, fluffy towel against our skin is unmatched. However, over time and after many washes, our towels can lose their softness, becoming rough and less absorbent. Fortunately, an old grandmother’s trick resurfaces and promises wonders. The magic happens in just a few spoons!

The secret is in the products you use. One of the most popular products used for household hacks is baking soda. This product is great for cleaning and also works great for washing towels. Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a white alkaline powder. For centuries, it has been used for a variety of household applications, including cooking and cleaning. Its ability to balance pH levels makes it a key ingredient for various household tricks.

In the case of towels, baking soda acts as a natural fabric softener. It removes detergent residue and minerals from the water that can make towels feel rough. In addition, it enhances the effectiveness of the detergent, guaranteeing deep cleaning.

How to use baking soda for like-new towels?

  1. Preparation : Before you begin, make sure your baking soda is fresh. You will need three tablespoons. Just dissolve 3 tablespoons of baking soda in half a glass of water, then pour the mixture into the softener compartment.

  2. Washing : Remember to always wash your towels at at least 60 degrees celsius to eliminate bacteria that has accumulated on the fabric. Use a normal wash cycle for your towels.

  3. Rinse: Let the machine complete the cycle as usual. You may already notice a difference in the texture of your towels at this point.

  4. Drying: For best effect, dry your towels in the sun if possible. The sun also has bleaching and disinfecting properties. If you don’t have this option, tumble drying will also work.

Additional Benefits

Besides making it fluffy, baking soda has other benefits for your towels:

  • Air freshener: It neutralizes bad smells, leaving your towels fresh and clean.
  • Ecological and economical: Compared to chemical fabric softeners, it is natural and much cheaper.
  • Safe for the skin: Without harsh chemicals, it is less likely to cause irritation.
