Adam Mellouk defies the CP injury and is aiming for Mr. Olympia

28-year-old Adam Mellouk from Malmö was born with cerebral palsy, but refuses to let his disability stop him.
Last fall, he broke through big when he won a symbolic SM gold in bodybuilding and moved the audience to tears.
– The whole arena cried, says Adam Mellouk.

Since childhood, Adam has lived with the physical restrictions that the CP injury causes, but discipline and hard training have helped him to build both strength and confidence.

The person he was seven years ago no longer exists – now he even dares to travel on his own, something he proved in December 2024 when he took the train alone to a friend in Gothenburg.

Goal -oriented training

Adam says that he is stuck for bodybuilding of love for the sport and that he is not afraid of long diet periods. Last year he lost 20 kilos in four months to reach the competition form. Even in tough preparation, he has his favorite passes:

– Back and arms! But the legs are horrible to exercise, although it has to be done, he says.

For him it is about clean and cut discipline. Adam admits that chocolate is the best he knows, but before competitions he shuts down all temptations.

The outermost goal is Mr. Olympia

The purposeful 28-year-old wants to continue to defy the odds and hopes to reach new heights in the international bodybuilding world. His ultimate goal is to participate in the prestigious competition Mr. Olympia in the United States.

“The dream is to be part of the international competition Mr Olympia, in the United States,” he says.

When he gets asked if he intends to leave if he gets there, he answers with a smile:

– Yes, then I’m done, Adam laughs.
