Ada Eronen, 17, and Julia Schalin, 16, are exceptional athletes – playing at the top of Finland in two sports at the same time

Ada Eronen 17 and Julia Schalin 16 are exceptional athletes

Ada Eronen and Julia Schalin are aiming for the second consecutive Finnish championship in Kiekko-Espoo’s shirt. Meanwhile, the duo are preparing for a breakthrough in the National League in the colors of FC Honga.

Ada Erosen17, and Julia Schalinin, 16, the next few weeks are literally busy. The duo are preparing for the Women’s League playoffs starting on Saturday with Kiekko-Espoo. On the same day, the season of the doubles team in the National League will start in the colors of FC Honga.

Even when Schalin is on the national team under the age of 17 this week to advance to the European Championships, there is not much free time left.

– Yes, this week is busy when both important games start. However, I have time to go to school and I have a little free time, Schalin says.

Due to national team assignment, Schalin will be away this weekend from both the Kiekko-Espoo playoffs against KalPaa and FC Honga’s league line-up, when the season starts with a home game against PK-35.

– The choice between these two matches would be difficult. The game of play would probably go ahead when the most important games of the season are played there, Schalin continues.

At the time of the interview, Ada Eronen does not yet know whether she will play in the ranks of Kiekko-Espoo or Honga on Saturday.

Eronen says that balancing between the two sports requires a lot of discussion with the coaches in order for the training to support each other as much as possible.

– It must be clear that you can and cannot leave the event, Eronen says.

Eronen, who plays as a defender in hockey, is a striker on the football field. He finds clear differences in the species.

– We go hockey all the time. The game is such that you go and do it all the time. In football, you have to rhythmize the game. It’s more tactical than hockey.

The coach thinks two sports are not a bad thing

Together with Kiekko-Espoo, the pair got to celebrate the Finnish Championship gold last season. Defending the championship is the team’s goal again this year. Kiekko-Espoo was number one in the upper extension series before IFK Helsinki.

In football, Eronen and Schalin are part of FC Honga’s young team. The group has not set a precise investment target for the beginning of the season, but improving the sixth place last season is there.

– We have talked about this game being developed by this young group throughout the season, Eronen says.

– The level of the national league rises year by year as the training of the players improves and the coaches develop, FC Honga’s head coach Omar Adlani continue.

Eronen and Schalin have already played a few matches in the National League last season. Now the desire is to establish a place in the league matches.

Honla’s head coach Adlani does not see sports in two sports side by side as an obstacle to a breakthrough.

– I myself come from Canada and it is customary for young people to have two to three sports. I’m used to that and I think it’s a good thing. Coaches need to make sure such players stay healthy, Adlani says.

Eronen calculates that he will have about ten practice sessions a week, depending on whether there is a game over the weekend.

– I’m fine. Omar always tries to restrain and be the voice of reason that it is not worth going to all the workouts. I’m in a happy situation in the sense that Julia pulls almost everything the same as I do. I’m not alone, Eronen says.

– When I meet a new person, I am often asked “how are you doing”. I try to sleep every night for eight hours, I think sleep is the most important thing for coping. You have to like both sports and be motivated to do so, Schalin says.

The choice of species is not clear

Julia Schalin names her dream of a professional athlete’s life, at some point in her career. The young player still has a mystery in which sport he will become a professional.

– The dream is to pay for gaming, exactly the same in both sports. I would also like to play for the national team, Schalin says.

Both young players think that in the future, choosing either sport is likely to come up. Currently, career opportunities are open to tougher fields in both sports.

– I am 16 years old and I have been able to play both sports at the highest level. It’s kind of a little sad that there are few enthusiasts, especially on the hockey side. There are really a lot of young players on the puck side, especially in the Women’s League, because it would always be better to have more competition, Schalin says.

– I wouldn’t say the level is bad. Neither series is any hobby series, you won’t be there if you don’t do anything. On the men’s side, this is not possible, but in women’s sport, being athletic makes it possible to succeed in both sports. Everyone is working to raise the level in Finland, Eronen says.

– I will probably have to make a choice between the species, but I can’t say because it happens, Eronen continues.
