So-called “intimate scenes” repeatedly cause problems on video game sets. That’s why actresses are now demanding measures to improve working conditions.
What is the problem? Intimate scenes are no longer uncommon in video games. These include consensual sex scenes, but also those that show sexual violence.
Some actresses report unfavorable working conditions during such shoots. For example, it is often only announced at the last minute that intimate scenes are even planned. This is due to the secrecy surrounding these projects, but is anything but ideal.
The actresses affected are surprised by the intimate scenes and cannot prepare for them. This leads to psychological stress. The Equity union, which represents the interests of the performers, is therefore calling for measures to improve the situation for everyone.
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“Disgusting” scenes, but without announcement
What do the actresses say? Jessica Jefferies worked as a motion capture actor for video games before she began working as a casting director. From her time as an actress, she says that she often didn’t know exactly what she had to do until filming.
Once, she only found out on set that she was supposed to reenact a sexual assault in an explicit and, in her opinion, “disgusting” way.
Jefferies felt the scene was completely gratuitous and was the only woman on set. So she refused to do the scene and expressed her concerns. This had an effect, the scene was not shot.
A voice actress also talks about a sex scene she knew nothing about:
I had to [stimmlich] the scene and through the glass in the cabin the whole team, all men, looked at me. It was horrible … I had been in the gaming industry for a while at that point and I had never felt so shaken. What made me so upset about the situation was the fact that I was embarrassed and no one thought to ask me if I was OK with it. And no one followed up to see if I was OK.
A voice actress told
She didn’t want to turn down the job because she was a freelancer and was afraid of being seen as a troublemaker in the industry.
There are games that do it right
Are there any positive examples? Yes, there are. Baldur’s Gate 3 is explicitly mentioned as a game in which the intimate scenes were handled in an exemplary manner. The team took them seriously and an intimacy coordinator was employed on set. The role of the intimacy coordinator is new and is being used more and more in films. This is to ensure that the procedures for a sex scene are discussed first and everyone involved knows exactly what is happening.
In the future, it will also become standard practice for actresses to receive a detailed script in advance, including intimate scenes. This will improve everyday working life and prevent upsetting experiences. Conditions in the video game industry are not always ideal for employees away from the cameras either – people who have worked at Blizzard have reported questionable practices.