In Path of Exile 2 you can activate the helpful loot filters not only on the PC, but also on the PS5 and Xbox. We’ll show you how to do this here.
What is a loot filter? A loot filter is a tool that changes how you see loot on your screen in Path of Exile 2. The tool highlights important loot and ensures that less important loot is hidden or displayed smaller. So you should no longer overlook the good and expensive items in PoE2.
Loot filters are by far the most important tool because they tell beginners and professionals at the same time which items are really important. We will explain to you how to activate it.
Here you can watch the cinematic intro of Path of Exile 2:
Path of Exile 2: The cinematic intro of Diablo’s biggest competitor
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Loot filter on PC, PS5 and Xbox
How do you activate the loot filter? There are different ways to activate a loot filter on your account. We’ll show you the simplest one that works for all platforms at the same time.
How does this already work on PS5 and Xbox? Compatibility on PS5 and Xbox will not be fully established until the next update. However, you can already use a filter on the console via a temporary solution.
To do this you need access to Path of Exile 2 on both the PC and your console. Follow the step-by-step instructions above on your PC and stay logged in. Then log in to the same account and character on your console without logging out on the PC.
The loot filter should now also work on your PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. Once the new Path of Exile 2 update is released, the workaround will no longer be necessary. You can find out what else will change in the patch here: New Path of Exile 2 patch brings no nerfs, only buffs and the best change for all players on PS5 and Xbox