Acting legend Donald Sutherland has died | News in brief

Acting legend Donald Sutherland has died News in brief

Canadian actor Donald Sutherland, who had a remarkable career, has died at the age of 88.

20:28•Updated 20:54

Actor legend and activist Donald Sutherland has died at the age of 88. His son, who is also successful as an actor, tells about it Kiefer Sutherland In the X message service.

Born in Canada, Sutherland died after a long illness in Miami, USA.

Sutherland had a long career as an actor. Among others, he starred in the films Dirty Dozen, MASH – Army Mobile Field Hospital, JFK – Open Case and The Italian Job.

Sutherland became familiar to younger audiences from the Hunger Games film series.

During his career, Sutherland won, among other things, the best supporting actor Emmy for his role in the 1995 film Citizen X. Sutherland has been described as one of the best actors who never won an Academy Award for his roles.

Sutherland was also a vigorous anti-war activist, prominently protesting the Vietnam War in the 1970s. This and roles in films that criticized the war created a reputation for Sutherland as an icon of the 1970s counterculture, and he also ended up on the FBI’s watch list.
