Acinque, Board of Directors approves plan to 2029. Average pay out of over 90%

Acinque Board of Directors approves plan to 2029 Average pay

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Afivea utility listed on Euronext Milan, has the 2025-2029 Business Plan was approvedwhich confirms the desire to position itself as a point of reference for the territories in which it operates for the integrated management of energy, environmental and water resources, for the benefit of local communities.

Expected investments totaling 333 million euros, of which 63% eligible for the taxonomy and aimed at guaranteeing long-term value and continuity for the territories in which the Group operates. The value of projects related to specific objectives for sustainable development is equal to 257 million euros, of which 220 million euros of investments relating to the Group (approximately 66% of the total foreseen in the Plan) and 37 million euros connected to interventions of energy efficiency and requalification by third parties.

In the five-year period 2025-2029, the focus on maintaining financial balance remains constant, we read in a note. Aspects such as cash generation, efficient management of working capital and financial management make it possible to consolidate solid ratios over the plan period with a Net Financial Debt/EBITDA ratio of less than 3x and Leverage not exceeding 0.75. EBITDA 2029 expected to be 106.2 million euros with ’25-’29 CAGR of 3.6%.

The Group maintains a strong focus on shareholders by foreseeing a pay out average over the plan period of over 90% of the Group’s net result.

“A point of reference in supplies and services, Acinque confirms its vocation to take on a leading role in the field of energy transition, the conscious use of resources, and the fight against climate change – comments theCEO Stefano Cetti – It is a precise choice, which belongs to the identity of a multiutility based on corporate social responsibility towards local communities and stakeholders. This plan is the tool through which we intend to continue on our path towards an energy system that promotes the use of renewables, which uses the levers of innovation and efficiency, skills and initiative capacity, to generate development and growth respectful of the environment and the quality of life of citizens”.
