Acinque, Board of Directors approves 2024-2028 industrial plan: sees investments of 316 million

Acinque Board of Directors approves 2024 2028 industrial plan sees investments

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Afive today approved the Group’s 2024-2028 Business Plan which acts as a point of reference in the territories in which it operates for the integrated management of energy, environmental and water resources, for the benefit of local communities.

“Energy transition” and “Circular economy” are confirmed as the fundamental pillars on which to focus in order to promote sustainable development of territories through decarbonization objectives and valorisation of waste as new resources. An intent that is realized by making the best innovative and sustainable solutions available to all stakeholders for the rational and efficient use of resources while respecting people and the environment. Priority is given to investments aimed at achieving set green objectives with savings.

The 2024-2028 Industrial Plan provides investments total amounting to 316 million euros, of which 54% eligible for the taxonomy
aimed at guaranteeing long-term value and continuity for all the territories in which the Group operates. The value of projects related to specific sustainable development objectives is equal to 270 million euros (approximately 71% of the total), of which 224 million euros of investments
referring to the Group and 46 million euros connected to energy efficiency and requalification interventions carried out by third parties.

In detail, the Networks and Infrastructure Business Unit it is characterized by the continuous renewal of assets, digitalisation and smart services to support increased efficiency. For the Environment Business Unit, the installation of the new turbine for the production of green electricity and the efficiency of urban hygiene activities are central.

In the five-year period 2024-2028, the focus on maintaining financial balance remains constant. The attention paid to cash generation, efficient management of working capital and financial management allows us to consolidate solid ratios over the plan period with a Net Financial Debt/EBITDA ratio of less than 3x and Leverage of no more than 0.75. Ebitda 2028 forecast equal to 97.2 million euros with CAGR ’24-’28 equal to 3.1%. The Group maintains a strong focus on shareholders, forecasting an average payout over the plan period of over 90% of the Group’s net result.

“The strategic objective of the Plan – underline the president Marco Canzi and the managing director Stefano Cetti – is to generate value for the benefit of the territories in which we operate and of which we are a direct expression”. “The companies of the Acinque group, as well as being a reliable point of reference for supplies and services related to energy and innovation, propose themselves as drivers of sustainable growth in order to seize development opportunities by making their skills available and network among local actors”.
“The document gives further impetus to our repositioning: supported by 316 million euros of investments, the Plan develops the ambitious aim of making the reference cities even more infrastructural and attractive by giving our territories a proactive and leading role”.
