Acea, project financing proposal for the assignment of public lighting in Rome

Acea innovative procurement protocol centrality of people and protection of

(Finance) – The board of directors of Aceaa multi-utility listed on Euronext Milan, has approved the definition and presentation to Roma Capitale, by the subsidiary a.cities, of a spontaneous project financing proposal for the assignment in concession of the intervention relating to the management, modernization and digitalisation of the network and of public lighting service of the city of Rome and the creation of innovative smart city services.

The presentation of the spontaneous proposal to Roma Capitale, a related party of Acea as the controlling body, represents the introductory act of a complex procedure, also characterized by a possible preliminary phase of dialogue with the Administration, aimed at evaluating the feasibility of the proposal. In the event of a positive outcome of the autonomous evaluations of the latter, the legislation provides for the celebration of one subsequent tender procedure.
