Acea, innovative procurement protocol: centrality of people and protection of legality

Acea innovative procurement protocol centrality of people and protection of

(Finance) – Acea signed today with the unions Filctem-CGIL, Flaei-CISL, Uiltec-UIL and Cisal Federenergia, UGL Chimici Energia, USB Lavoro Privato, Association of Middle and Middle Managers, a Procurement protocol which is part of the new relationship model launched last May 15th with the signing of the Person and Participation Charter.

L’objective is to strengthen, in terms of guarantees and quality of work, as already provided for by current legislation. The agreement intends to guarantee the highest levels of legality and efficiency in the management of procurement, promoting transparency and competition; strengthen the protection of health and safety in the workplace also through initiatives awareness for a new safety culture; strengthen the prevention, control and verification of the regularity of procurement with respect to regulations of sector. The agreement makes direct reference to the National Framework Protocol for the protection of legality signed in July between Acea and the Ministry of the Interior in order to consolidate the common commitment against potential corruption phenomena and the risks of organized crime infiltration into corporate sectors of national strategic importance.

The protocol aims to foster a healthy economy that supports astable employment and of quality, guaranteeing the rights and protections of workers employed in procurement; promote technological and organizational innovation, also through continuous training of people; improve productivity through a higher quality of work, to guarantee benefits in the territories in which the Acea Group companies operate, through the construction sites that the Company will open for the construction of infrastructure works, including those envisaged by the PNRR.

The protocol also defines rewarding criteria in tenders such as: reduction in the number of subcontracts; guarantee of the percentage of women and young people and of workers employed under contract a time undetermined; the number of hours of training for employed personnel; strengthening of the action to combat accidents; the application of policies to achieve gender equality, the adoption of welfare measures and the application of the social clause to promote the protection and safeguarding of employment.

Today’s signature, together with the agreement reached on 18 October which led to theinternalization in Acea of ​​a group of workers in the reception service previously contracted out, confirm, as enshrined in the Personnel Charter, the Company’s intention to consolidate an evolved model of trade union relations, placing the quality of work and the dignity of people.
