Acea, director Giovanni Giani resigns

Acea director Giovanni Giani resigns

(Finance) – Aceamulti-utility listed on Euronext Milan, announced that it had received, on the evening of June 27, the resignation with immediate effect from the office of director of Giovanni Gianiappointed from the slate presented by the Suez shareholder at the shareholders’ meeting of May 29, 2020. The decision “is motivated by other professional commitments to which he is called“, reads a note. During a forthcoming meeting, the board of directors will meet to make the necessary decisions, it is added.

Giani, who it does not appear to hold Acea shareswas a non-executive and non-independent Director, Chairman of the Territory Committee, a member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, of the Control and Risks Committee and of the Ethics and Sustainability Committee.
