Acea, Board of Directors confirms full trust in CEO after press leaks

Acea placed 200 million euros in green bond reopening

(Finance) – The board of directors of Aceaa multi-utility listed on Euronext Milan, has “confirmed full confidence” against theCEO Fabrizio Palermo and of the Ethics Officer, after Repubblica in recent days had written of alleged ill-treatment of some female workers.

The note from the BoD, which met today under the presidency of Michaela Castellicomes after the activities carried out by the Ethics and Sustainability Committee, which met in the presence of the Board of Statutory Auditors.

Furthermore, “in the light of the further articles in the press”, the Board of Directors, on a proposal from the CEO, in order to dispel any doubts about his work, resolved to give a mandate to the Ethics Officer to carry out “any preliminary activity deemed necessary or appropriate to protect the principles and in full compliance with the provisions of the company Code of Ethics”.

Finally, the board resolved, implementing a recommendation from the Ethics and Sustainability Committee and the CEO, to continue the checks started on some procurement contracts of the Acea group with the aim of ensuring full contractual protection for male and female workers and intermediary personnel.
