Accused in the Think Pink mess about test results from dangerous landfill: “Can’t we sell it as rat poison?”

In two mobile phones that the police seized from two of the defendants, there is an extensive chat via the Whatsapp app. The men in the group called the chat “The Last of the Mohicans”. In April 2019, one of the men announced that he had received answers from samples taken at Think Pink’s large, controversial waste landfill in Skultuna, north of Västerås.

After the man warns that the information must not leak out, one of the group replies: “Should we wear protective clothing?”

The man, who worked as a consultant for Think Pink, then shared the list of test answers. There it appears that, among other things, the contents of copper greatly exceed the limit values. In addition, a particularly carcinogenic aromatic hydrocarbon occurs 13 times above what is permitted and a few more toxic so-called aromatic hydrocarbons with levels that are 30 times more than permitted.

Mobile footage shows the facilities burning

One of the group then suggests how to bring in “1 load of wet mass” to mix out the material and thus try to hide the toxic substances. Then they discuss different mix variants to test.

The consultant finishes by answering “Yes, hmmm. Blah.”

In the prosecutor’s preliminary investigation material that SVT has seen, there are also about 20 mobile films that Think-Pink personnel took from the various waste stations. Several of them show how there are fires in several facilities. Fires at recycling facilities and garbage stations are not uncommon. Therefore, the demands on contractors are high in terms of fire safety, fire protection and accident prevention. At the same time, Think Pink’s internal videos show that fires regularly broke out at the waste management company’s facilities.

A total of eleven people have been charged in what has been described as the worst environmental crime scandal in Sweden in 50 years. All defendants deny any wrongdoing.

SVT has searched for a representative for Think Pink without success.
