Accountants, impact of the crisis on healthcare: focus of the Odcec of Naples

Accountants impact of the crisis on healthcare focus of the

(Finance) – “Covid has put a strain on the estate of the public and private health facilities in our region. Now they also have to face the crisis linked to the increase in costs of energy and raw materials. Today’s meeting will allow us to focus on possible solutions and methods of intervention that are taking shape at the national and regional level. “He said so Hector Five, councilor for the budget of the Campania Region, on the occasion of the presentation of the focus “The impact of the crisis on health care”, promoted by the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Naples, which will be held on Wednesday 26 October from 3.00 pm at the conference room in square of the Martyrs.

“The Health Commission is a flagship ofOdcec of Naples – points out Eraldo Turi, number one of the Neapolitan accountants -, represents a reference for institutions, universities and hospitals, both public and private. Also in this council he will certainly give his contribution technical to problems, with particular attention to Campania, and with the aim of analyzing and identifying solutions based on new emergencies“.

Fabio Cecere (managing director of the Odcec of Naples) points out that the health commission of the order this year celebrates twenty years of activity. Over the years it has provided support technical-scientific through the issue of opinions requested by the Region, public and private hospitals, addressing even in difficult times such as the period of the pandemic with interpretations of rules and accounting principles that were subsequently also adopted by the national council of the category. It is in the fourth year of collaboration with the Sister University Orsola Benincasa for the organization and promotion of the II level Master in ‘Management of healthcare companies’ which he has formed over the years healthcare executives of complex structures after having acquired the necessary knowledge in administration and management of health facilities“.

According to Annamaria Colao (full professor of endocrinology and metabolic diseases at the Federico II University of Naples) “in a time like the one we live in, in which the crisis due to the pandemic has been added to linked to the tragic conflict at the gates of Europe, the issue of free health care for citizens has come back even more to attention. Italy is a great example thanks to its health system, but the pandemic has exposed numerous critical issues and among these the great importance is not access to treatment, but also prevention. For over a decade, the Campus Health, an association born in Naples, is committed on this front trying to support the health system based on the great availability of volunteers and has managed to carry out hundreds of thousands of free medical examinations around Italy, with a first experience also abroad”.

Sergio Crispino (president of AIOP Campania) highlights “the serious problems of economic equilibrium of the hospital structures accredited private companies, the regional methods of annual programming of the spending limits and their quantification, as well as the correlated forecast of the volumes of hospital services to be provided with respect to the real needs of the population, promptly underestimated. We will propose corrective measures to the current programming with rapid implementation measures in place of the so-called ‘state aid’ which cannot represent the solution to the problems of the entire category and, above all, do not confer stability on the regional health service “.

Amedeo Blasotti (ASL Caserta General Director) argues that “health companies are entrusted with the task of stipulating contracts with accredited health structures according to criteria and methods identified by regional bodies, which are responsible for the delicate mission of planning health expenditure in compliance with limits imposed for public finance reasons.

The AASSLL, moreover, they exercise the power / duty of control over the correct allocation of the large (but not infinite) public resources intended to guarantee health of citizens.

The so-called accredited private sector operates in this context which integrates – in the various areas of competence – the public offering and now plays an equal role in producing health. It is undeniable – he continues – that the operating limit correlated to the assignment of a budget (sometimes underestimated compared to the real production capacity) it becomes the main criticality of a company that operates in the health sector even more than in different sectors. This creates the conditions underlying the phenomenon of performance yields in ‘extra-budget’ and requires an in-depth analysis of all the players in the system in order to clarify the physiology of the phenomenon “.

Filippo Habitable (secretary of the study commission) stresses that “health expenditure weighs on the regional budget for over 50% of the same. On this observation a handful of willing colleagues have deepened over the years the issues inherent both to the Right to Health and the Budget Balance, in search of the difficult reconciliation between constitutionally protected rights. IS with great satisfaction that today we can sit at the same table with all the primary actors of this reality to face together the impact of the crisis on health care ”.

The conference will conclude Achille Coppola (member of the scientific committee) who reiterates: “The dialogue promoted by the health commission is divided between representatives of primary institutions. After two years of pandemic, the new winter presents many unknowns (again Covid, the abnormal rise in energy prices, the sharp rise in interest rates). The actors of the Campania health system, many of them accountants, will illustrate us the scenario is the strategies to overcome such a difficult moment “.

He will introduce the works Fabio Rossi (President of the Health Commission): “Never as in this phase of humanitarian and economic crisis the concept of the Network must have the upper hand over any other evaluation. Only with balanced financial support – he adds – both public and accredited private hospitals can a quality health service be provided to citizens.

The debate will be moderated by Carlo Parenti (vice president of the Health Commission): “During the forum we will talk about the main measures adopted by the Region, the ASL and accredited operators, to concentrate all possible economic, human and technological resources aimed at guaranteeing the efficiency of health services, unavoidable commitment to overcome the difficult time we are experiencing “.
