Accountants, Cuchel: “Tax reform is a priority for the country”

Accountants Cuchel Tax reform is a priority for the country

(Finance) – “Tax reform is one of the priorities of this country. It is no longer possible to deal with a schizophrenic and unmanageable taxman. We need an overall reform that can bring added value to the recovery of the country”. Like this Marco Cuchelpresident of the National Association of Accountants, during the Forum “Accounting profession, restarting from the reforms” promoted by the ANC in collaboration with the Catania section and with the Catania Odcec.

Cuchel also spoke of the need to “simplify and rebalance” the tax-taxpayer relationship and to carry out a “non-hasty reform”, which supports businesses and families and starts from fiscal peace, with the scrapping of the 2018/2021 folders. “On the tax reform – continued Cuchel – we have obtained the professional judge but an overall reform is needed because we must continue to fight on the independence of the structure from the Mef”.

Andrea De Bertoldi (FdI parliamentarian) stressed that “the tax reform needs several things starting from simplification, an abused word, to give more serenity to the professional overburdened by a large amount of rules and deadlines. I believe it is fundamental to use the tax lever, always so far used to favor public debt, to convey new resources into the real economy “. An appeal to ministers Adolfo Urso and Marina Calderone to be promoters within the CdM of an urgent technical table on the issue of the Superbonus which “risks generating one of the greatest economic crises that would overwhelm thousands of companies, workers and professionals”.

He spoke on the subject of scrapping Alberto Gusmeroli (League deputy) urging a reform in the “sense of greater equity and rebalancing of the relationship between tax authorities and citizens, without giving blank proxies. The relationship between the Agency and the taxpayer is not balanced, especially in the tax process”.

On the front of the opposition to the government he intervened Emiliano Fenu (parliamentarian of the M5s), who reiterated “the provision of a flat-rate penalty of 5% and a longer time to pay seems to me to be a proposal of common sense. As M5s we have fought for an extraordinary payment in installments without interest in ten years. incentives to escape must be avoided by providing an easy tax for incomes between 65 thousand and 100 thousand euros in the flat tax regime.

Chiara Gribaudo (deputy of the Democratic Party) stressed that “starting from the next budget law we must resume the journey undertaken on the subject of the illness of professionals and VAT numbers, providing for the structural suspension of the terms in these cases on the social security front. it is essential to alleviate the social security burden on the coffers to bring savings back into the professional circuit “.

On the subject of the tax reform he spoke Daniela Dondi (new deputy of FdI), arguing that “the tax reform stems from a project presented within the Pnrr without mentioning the macroscopic problem of the monstrous number of pending cases in the Supreme Court. Passing the entire system to the Ministry of Justice would allow it to be optimized in the light of already existing realities that have already been tested. I do not see why we cannot proceed in this direction “.

For professionals also intervened Marcella Caradonna (number one of the accountants of Milan), stating “the dialogue between professionals and politics is in progress but an additional step is needed. We need to structure this dialogue to overcome the difficult challenges that await us in the coming years”.
