Accountants, Cuchel: “Positive Odg in the Chamber for extension of payment extension”

Taxman Cuchel accountants Block the sending of millions of

(Finance) – “We learn with great satisfaction the presentation of the Agenda to the Chamber of Deputies (signed by the MPs Gusmeroli, Bagnai, Centemero and Cavandoli) for the extension of the extension of payments to 21 August for all taxpayers and non-taxpayers only for those who reside in the territories affected by natural disasters”. He claims it Marco Cuchel, president of the National Association of Accountants, commenting positively on the initiative submitted to Montecitorio.

“It is true that the deadline of 31 July has now expired, but the difficulties of businesses and, in particular, of the economic professions that assist them, continue unabated. The ANC has forcefully denounced the conditions of concrete difficulty due to delays and disservices – he added Cuchel – requesting an extension provision such as those granted in similar circumstances in past years. The extension was actually envisaged, but in a partial way and not extended to all taxpayers. This agenda is an important sign of recognition of the challenges taxpayers and professionals continue to face and the attention they deserve from the national government”.
