According to Ukraine, Russia has infiltrated the Azovstal region – contact with the soldiers still exists

According to Ukraine Russia has infiltrated the Azovstal region

There are still hundreds of civilians and soldiers in the furnace of the Azovstal steel plant. Evacuating the area has been a very rocky road.

4.5. 21:15 • Updated 4.5. 21:48

Russian troops have infiltrated the Azovstal steel plant, says Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, a member of the Ukrainian People’s Servant Party parliamentary group.

– Attempts to invade the region have now continued for two days, the leader of the parliamentary group David Arakhamia says.

According to him, the Ukrainian authorities are still in contact with the Ukrainian soldiers defending the factory area.

The mayor of Mariupol said earlier today that the city authorities had lost contact with the soldiers.

Russia denies rushing

Russian forces have denied information about the attempt to storm the Azovstal factory site. Russia has said it is besieging the factory area.

Russia will begin a three-day evacuation of Azovstal tomorrow, according to the Russian news agency Interfax.

The Azovstal plant is the last area in the city of Mariupol that is still owned by the Ukrainians.

The factory is believed to have hundreds of soldiers and civilians.

Some people have been evacuated from the basements of the steel plant. Civilians have been besieged for months.

There has not been enough food, water or medicine for the sick in the basement traps of the steel mill.
