According to this hairstylist, here’s the order in which to do your hair routine – and you’ll be surprised!

According to this hairstylist heres the order in which to

A hair care expert has revealed the steps to follow to sport perfectly healthy hair. A somewhat unexpected routine. Discover his professional advice.

Beauty tips are flourishing day by day on TikTok. But this time, it’s a hair care expert who shares her advice for an optimal haircare routine. In his video, viewed over 1.4 million times on the social network, the hairdresser called Céline Lissage, points out certain preconceived ideas and reveals in which order to carry out her routine for more results. So, are you one of the good students?

A hair routine in 6 steps

The influencer Céline Lissage, followed by more than 58,000 subscribers, revealed that a good wash starts with two shampoos. No matter how clean the hair is, to be effective, it must consist of at least two shampoos, according to the expert. Then, to coat the hair fiber, the mask stage follows. To apply a small dab on perfectly towel-dried hair, it settles only on the tips. No question of applying it to the roots at the risk of weighing down and greasing the hair. Then, against all odds, the professional hairstylist recommends applying conditioner (or conditioner) after the mask. And not before! This would enhance the lengths in forming a barrier all around the hair structure. It is this step that would bring all the shine to the hair. Finally, it would be essential to apply a heat-protective spray before using a heating device such as a hair dryer or curling iron, without forgetting the finishing serum. A protocol adjusted to the millimeter!

© TikTok / @celine.lissage

The pro tip you need to know

Céline Lissage indicates that a method would allow you to know the condition of your hair and thus adapt your care accordingly. It’s about porosity test. To make it, it’s very simple. Simply take one of your hairs and immerse it in a large glass of water. If, after 5 minutes, the hair remains at the bottom of the glass, it is very porous. If it is placed in the middle, its porosity is normal. And finally, if it comes to the surface, its porosity is then very weak. Please note that if your hair is very porous, it will be necessary to apply a treatment moisturizing then nourishing and make sure to close the scales with smoothing or botox. If, on the other hand, your hair is not very porous, you will first need to open its scales with a treatment nourishing then hydrating. With all these tips, you’re well-versed in pulling off Beyoncé’s mane!
