According to SVT’s reporting – Billy, 81 years old, is offered to rent a private apartment in Hultsfred

Billy Tapper in Lönneberga in Hultsfred municipality never thought he would end up in the situation he did. After the house where he lived changed hands, he was dismissed from his home and it turned out to be very difficult to find a home when you have a payment notice.

Completed debt restructuring

A few years ago, Billy had a brain hemorrhage that changed his life significantly. He found it difficult to move and to finish a renovation project he hired handymen. The costs went away and now he has undergone debt restructuring.

– I have always done the right thing for me, now I don’t owe anyone a single penny, says Billy Tapper.

In the clip below, you can hear him talk about his situation.

Private landlord contacted Billy

Billy Tapper still has a payment notice, which will remain until well into next year. This means that the municipal housing company Hultsfred’s homes do not want to rent to him. But now Billy has been looking at an apartment in Hultsfred.

– I will probably take it. It was thanks to a woman who had seen the report that I got this offer. I brought her a bouquet of yellow roses, because I’m very grateful, says Billy Tapper.
