According to researchers, following this rule after 60 years increases life expectancy

According to researchers following this rule after 60 years increases

According to American researchers, we should not necessarily try to lose weight as we age to stay healthy. The secret is not there to live longer after 60 years.

Women over 60 year olds who maintain a stable weight have a longer life expectancy. This is revealed by a study conducted by researchers at the University of California (USA) and published in the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. American scientists have analyzed data from more than 54,000 women to assess the link between weight variations and longevity. They measured the weight of these women at different times (baseline, 3 years later, 10 years later) to see if they had lost or gained weight or if their weight had remained stable. And they also asked the women if they had lost weight voluntarily or not.

“51% less likely to live to age 90”

Results ? Women who lost at least 5% of their initial weight were less likely to live to age 90 or more than those who maintained a stable weight. These were 1.2 to 2 times more likely to reach age 90 or older. This decrease was even more pronounced if the weight loss was unintentional (that is, if they had not voluntarily tried to lose weight). “Women who lost weight unintentionally had 51% less likely to live to age 90 can we read in the results of the study. However, a weight gain of 5% or more, compared to a stable weight, was not associated with a longer life expectancy.

“If aging women find themselves losing weight when they’re not trying to lose weight, it could be a harbinger of poor health and an indicator of diminished longevity“confirmed Professor Aladdin H. Shadyab, co-author of the study in a communicated. The researchers nevertheless point out that certain situations require losing weight for health. In overweight and/or obese people, losing weight can reduce the risk of heart disease, for example. Researchers place more emphasis on rapid, unintentional weight loss as warning signal that could indicate a health problem. In this case it is better to consult a doctor.
