According to fans, Diablo 4: 2 Effects needs every class to work

Although each of the 5 classes in Diablo 4 plays completely differently, experienced players say that each of them relies on 2 effects from level 70 at the latest. Without these, a build wouldn’t be competitive. MyMMO tells you about vulnerability and “unstoppable”.

What effects are these?

  • In Diablo 4 there are abilities that make you unstoppable or enemies vulnerable.
  • Pretty much every top tier build build relies on these skills.
  • The community says that those who do without them are putting obstacles in their own way. The effects are way too strong, and that’s a problem.
  • This is why the effects are so important: Vulnerability causes you to deal more damage to opponents. That alone is one reason many builds rely on the effect. In fact, one of the strongest builds for the Necromancer builds entirely around the effect.

    You can also find equipment that grants vulnerability multipliers. In other words, you deal many times more damage to vulnerable opponents, so that the total numbers can be in the millions. Since vulnerability itself provides more damage, the effect is its “own multiplier.”

    Skills that make you unstoppable remove control effects like frozen and stunned. This is especially important at higher levels and in most endgame activities like nightmare dungeons. If an enemy stuns you there and you can’t prevent it, you’re as good as dead.

    In any case, a good defense is indispensable later in the game. Many players therefore only rely on armor because it is the best defensive value. Everything else is hardly worth it. According to the players, however, this has major disadvantages.

    Even my off-meta build for Blizzard Sorceress relies on the two effects. You can see the gameplay here:

    Diablo 4: Blizzard build for the Sorceress in World Tier 3 Lightwatch gameplay

    More videos

    “Everyone has to play the meta”

    In several threads on Reddit and also in the forum, players complain that they are forced to use both effects in their builds. That limits them enormously in the build variety. Everything that is not meta can be forgotten directly.

    A very prominent example is the sorceress. This has only a few abilities that reliably provide vulnerability or make it unstoppable at all:

  • Frost Nova is the only skill that makes enemies 100% vulnerable
  • Teleport and Fire Shield are the only skills guaranteed to make you unstoppable
  • Deep Freeze actually makes you invulnerable, but also ties you in place
  • more on the subject

    Diablo 4: Each of you needs an item for the perfect build – the first player has now found it

    by Benedict Grothaus

    According to the players, this means that almost every build for Sorceress already needs 3-4 of the possible 6 skills for defensive abilities. From there you can vary one or two spells – usually the ultimate ability and one for the main damage.

    Builds that are built around the fire hydra, for example, can be forgotten directly. Abilities like Ice Shards and Wall of Fire are so much stronger in comparison that if you don’t skill them, you knowingly handicap yourself.

    As such, this only affects players who want to achieve a lot and that would not be a problem, however, you will be forced to play at World Tier 4 at some point. World Tier 3 only scales up to level 70. And without vulnerability and “unstoppable”, you’re pretty much stuck there.

    An overview of the endgame content can be found here:

    Diablo 4: Endgame Content Overview – These activities are post-campaign
