According to experts, this detail in your home decoration says a lot about your psychological state

According to experts this detail in your home decoration says

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    Attention neutral-toned decor lovers, experts have determined the meaning of this trend. Here’s what it can reveal about you…

    Spending time on TikTok and Instagram, or simply going to a friend’s house in their thirties, you’ll notice that in many cases the decoration is quite neutral. With a predominantly gray atmosphere, Millennials have found their color tone, both inside and out! But what’s going on in the minds of this generation? Here are the answers psychologists give!

    The first hypothesis that we can read in the Huffpost is that by adopting simplicity, millennials want to detach themselves from the style of their parents. For those whose parents were born in the 60s, you surely knew a decoration rich in colors during your childhood!I think it’s a natural reaction for Millennials to be allergic to warm colors.”American interior designer Loren Kreiss told HuffPost. According to his Canadian counterpart Marissa Warner: “The trend of shades of gray really responds to our desire to move away from the very stimulating decoration of our childhood, in order to move towards a simpler and more serene environment.” However, this is not the only psychological reason that specialists have found.

    Gray, a reflection of the mental state of Millennials

    If the Millennial generation loves gray so much, it’s not for nothing! Between major economic crises and climate concerns, this generation, which had a rather serene lifestyle during the 2000s, is seeing its stress level increase. Thus, opting for a decoration in neutral and refined tones would be a way to find a calm, stable and orderly atmosphere (at least at home).

    Another hypothesis: people of this generation would seek sustainability, both for the environment and for their savings! Indeed, they tend to have a more thoughtful consumption, and according to a Deloitte survey dating from 2023, “60% of millennials are willing to pay more for sustainable products and services”. Do you see where the psychologists are going with this? Gray tones fit into any trend, and don’t require repainting the walls or changing the furniture every morning!

    On the other hand, to avoid falling into a decoration that is too sad, Marissa Warner suggests “to add a few touches of color, especially through furniture and works of art, to warm up the space”. His best advice: “consider your gray decoration as a canvas that deserves to be enriched”.

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