According to a study, here is the ideal time to send a message after a “match” on a dating app

According to a study here is the ideal time to

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    in collaboration with

    Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical psychologist)

    Is there an ideal time to come forward when you have “matched” with a potential partner on a dating app? According to users surveyed, there would indeed be a reasonable period of time that is more beneficial than others. What does our psychologist think?

    When it comes to seduction and dating, there are now plenty of applications for finding your other half. But this seemingly virtual world would also respond to rules of seduction to put all the chances on its side. So, just as there is an ideal time frame for proposing a date (Psss! It’s 3 days!), there would also be an appropriate timing for sending a first message to your crush without appearing either desperate or detached.

    A message sent within 24 hours is better!

    Thus, according to a study conducted by the director of relationship science Hinge, a dating application, the data collected is precise: it would be a question of respecting a maximum deadline of 24 hours to send a message. This timing increases the chances of obtaining an answer by 44% depending on the different answers obtained.

    But your chances of seduction are also increased tenfold when this timing is associated with two other data:

    • Adding a voice note to your message. Singles would have a 66% greater chance of getting a date by revealing their voice during this contact;
    • Being clear about your intentions. Whether you want someone for the night or for life, being sincere would also increase your chances of a date by 79%.

    Staying spontaneous remains the key to a great meeting

    But does this timing follow a rule? Should we be afraid of seeming in too much of a hurry, or on the contrary delaying our response a little, to be desired? In short, should we really give in to some kind of strategy to seduce our target? For our psychologist Amélie Boukhobza, this 24-hour rule should not bother you.

    “For my part, I would say that regardless of the timing of the response, everyone takes the time they want in this type of situation. Some will respond more quickly, because they will be very excited by the meeting. others will take more time, out of fear, out of play sometimes or just because they are like that.”

    According to her, the essential element of a meeting is not so much getting a date every time, but keeping in mind what matters to you.

    “The most important thing is ultimately not so much this matter of timing, but perhaps finding the right balance between enthusiasm at the idea of ​​a new meeting and the prudence necessary to not lose sight of one’s expectations and not Don’t get carried away to the point of compromising your principles and needs. My advice: avoid illusions while remaining open to possibilities!”

    Our selection of dating apps: for one night or for life!

    Slide: Our selection of dating apps: for one night or for life!
