According to a study, here is the best time to go on sale (don’t miss the boat!)

According to a study here is the best time to

The 2024 summer sales are launched! For 4 weeks, brands are slashing their prices, providing the perfect opportunity to get some good deals. However, during this period, a key moment is dedicated to major economies. Here it is.

As with every sales period, three markdowns are to be expected. If during the first, the reductions are quite low, the items that you have targeted a few days before will still be present, on the other hand during the last markdown, if the reductions can reach less than 70%, you may not only have the drawer bottoms available. In short, it’s hard to know What strategy to adopt?. That’s why the European online shopping and price comparison platform, Idealo, has studied the question and discovered that a specific time is particularly conducive to good deals… This is news that should ease your bank account! No need to rush every three days to your favorite store to find the best fashion gems at reduced prices, only an opportunity is to be seized. During its analysis, Idealo studied the evolution of the average price of fifty most searched product categories on its site, during last year’s summer sales. If the first days of sales are often the most frenetic, judging by the crowded stores and the long queues, it turns out that it is not the best time to get good deals. Indeed, according to the platform, it would be better to wait until July 8, the week of the second markdown, to hope to find the best items. It is during this period that the value for money would be the most interesting. In other words, the trendy fashion items would still be present and the reduction offered would remain relatively interesting, so it’s up to you!

And, what about the least favorable time for good deals? “By observing the evolution of prices week by week, the 1st week of the sales proves to be the least conducive to good deals with 19 products reaching their highest prices at this time”Idealo specifies on its site. As you will have understood, be patient!
