Acciaierie d’Italia, satisfaction of the Commissioners with the ruling of the Council of State rejecting the Codacons appeal

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(Finance) – I Extraordinary commissioners Of Steel mills of Italy in AS expressed satisfaction with the judgment of the Council of State which with today’s order n.2217 rejected the appeal of the Codacons because there are no precautionary needs: with the confirmation of sentence no. 8247 of 2024 of the TAR of Lazio, the Council of State has in fact observed that the Extraordinary Commissioners are already required to manage the factories industrial taking care to “pursue environmental recovery to protect human health”.

This obligation falls to the Commissioners who are required to manage the Company and its industrial plants in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Plan approved with the Prime Ministerial Decree of 2017 and the new AIA in progress renewal. It is no coincidence that one of the first actions initiated by the Extraordinary Administration was to withdraw the appeals made by the previous management to the Ministry of the Environment.

The new requirements of the AIA and of Environmental Plan already bind the activities of the Commissioners, establishing the methods with which the management of the plants must be implemented in full compliance with the environmental recovery objectives to protect human health. It is worth underlining that the ruling of the Council of State reiterates what has already been established by TAR of Lazioas expressly reported in the motivation of the order.
