Stratford council will soon consider a proposal to restrict access to TJ Dolan Drive from Huron Street between May 1 and Nov. 15 each year to make the road more pedestrian friendly.

To help make the stretch of TJ Dolan Drive from Huron Street to St. Vincent Street South more pedestrian and active-transportation friendly, a Stratford subcommittee has recommended the city restrict access to that portion of the road from May 1 to Nov. 15 annually.
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At Wednesday’s infrastructure, transportation and safety subcommittee meeting, members voted to recommend the seasonal road restriction after city staff polled residents along that section of TJ Dolan Drive to determine if they favored the road’s Huron Street access being restricted with a gate during the late spring, summer and fall.
Of the 11 residents who responded, only one did not support the proposed change. In a report, project engineer Nathan Bottema said residents had previously complained about high speeds and drivers using that road as an alternate to Huron Street when traffic is heavy.
“From my short discussion with a few people who live along there, it seems like a good idea, and it also allows for active transportation very close to the trails going into the old grove (TJ Dolan Natural Area) and also into our downtown, ” Coun. Larry McCabe said. “I’d be hugely in favor of doing something like this.”
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According to Bottema’s report, the gate at TJ Dolan Drive and Huron Street would be kept open in the winter to allow for snow clearing and other winter maintenance on TJ Dolan. If this road restriction is approved by council, the Stratford Fire Department has requested a key to the gate so firefighters also have emergency access, the report noted.
“I have one question about whether we should completely close that end that flows onto Huron Street because that intersection can be challenging when someone is coming out of there,” Coun. Mark Hunter said. “(Does) that make sense (and does) that still create the snow-plowing issue?”
Bottema said that approach was considered but, due to the turnaround needed for winter maintenance equipment and fire services, was deemed unworkable.
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“Given the restricted amount of land and that it is all parkland, we elected to just open a gate up for the winter months … and provide a key to fire services if they need to get through there,” he said.
Many of the 11 residents of TJ Dolan Drive who responded to the city questionnaire also asked the city to restrict parking along the road’s north side. Since parking is already prohibited on the road’s south side and is relatively limited in the immediate area, staff did not recommend additional parking restrictions.
The subcommittee’s recommendation for the TJ Dolan Drive road restriction will go to a future infrastructure, transportation and safety committee meeting for further consideration by all members of council. If approved there, it will then go to council for final approval.
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