Tomorrow, Saturday May 7, at the Élysée will take place the investiture ceremony of the President of the Republic and Emmanuel Macron will succeed himself after having been elected by 58.5% of the French. But in fact, it is really only 38.5% of the French who voted for him in the second round. Only a little more than one in three voters slipped a blue envelope containing a ballot on which Emmanuel Macron was written into the ballot box.
It’s not a conspiracy or rambling. The figure is given by the Ministry of the Interior, which is the electoral policeman. The difference is huge and can be explained by the non-vote, which includes abstention, blank vote and invalid vote. And that has political weight and significance. Because it is not taken into account, is non-voting a denial of democracy?
With :
– Jeremiah Moualekresearcher in political sociology at theUniversity of Evrywrote a chapter in the book Extinction of votes? (PUF) and author of the documentary In search of lost voices
– Gael Slimanpresident and co-founder of the polling institute Odoxa
-Philippe Pascotwriter, consciousness-raiser, co-author of the book Abstention, bullshit trap (Max Milo)