Absolute sci-fi insider tip that will turn your head in an ingenious way

Absolute sci fi insider tip that will turn your head in

If you want to see a real feel-good film, you’ve come to the wrong place. But if you fancy some really nasty mind games and an extremely surreal and disturbing film, you should definitely watch Vivarium. The sci-fi film is on TV on Saturday evening and is still a real insider tip.

On TV on Saturday: This is what Vivarium is about with Imogen Poots and Jesse Eisenberg

Gemma and Tom (Jesse Eisenberg and Imogen Poots) are a young couple looking for a home together. On a whim Visit a house in the suburban settlement of YonderNot only are the houses there all alike, the real estate agent also makes an extremely strange impression on the two of them and behaves extremely strangely.

When Gemma and Tom want to leave again, they can’t find their way back. Instead, they keep coming back to house number 9. Because they run out of petrol, they reluctantly have to spend the night there. Even burning the house doesn’t change anything – it just returns. Suddenly there is a Package containing a baby. With the promise that the couple would be “released” again if they took care of the child.

XYZ Films

In Vivarium, Imogen Poots and Jesse Eisenberg become unwilling parents.

Vivarium plays with expectations and clichés and hits home in the end

Vivarium is an excellent at creating a increasingly threatening, always confusing and strange feeling in the audience. At no point do we know what is actually going on here and with every new curiosity that comes along, the overall picture becomes even stranger.

This not only creates a feeling of helplessness, but also a certain fascination and anticipation of how things will continue and how they will end. In order not to get yourself into trouble, it is recommended that you with as little prior knowledge as possible to watch the storyThat’s why we won’t spoil the ending here, which is really something.

More sci-fi and missed opportunities can be found here: Ridley Scott himself doesn’t seem to be entirely sure whether he didn’t want to or couldn’t, but he regrets not having made sequels to Alien and Blade Runner himself.

TV or stream: When and where is Vivarium on?

The mind game film with Imogen Poots and Jesse Eisenberg will be released on Saturday, July 6, 2024 by RTL ZWEI at 22:20 broadcast. A repeat is not currently planned.

But of course you can also watch Vivarium online. As part of a streaming flat rate, the film is not available as part of a subscription anywhere, but it is available on the conventional on-demand platforms Amazon, Apple TV, Google, Maxdome or Magenta TV.

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