Absent Trump was criticized by rivals

Instead of attending the debate, which was broadcast live on television, radio and the web from Miami, Trump held a campaign rally in a nearby suburb.

— He owes it to you to stand on this stage and explain why he should get another chance, said Florida governor and presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, addressing voters about Trump’s absence.

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley said Trump “used to be right” when it came to supporting Ukraine but now he is “going weak in the knees”.

Thin out

It was the third live debate between the Republican Party presidential candidates.

Seven candidates took the stage during the previous debate, which was held in California at the end of September. Since then, former Vice President Mike Pence has given up and withdrawn his candidacy. North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum did not qualify for the debate.

Trump has refused to participate because of his large lead in opinion polls against the other candidates in the party.

Trump’s campaign has suggested that the Republican National Committee should stop holding debates and instead focus on supporting his campaign.

Trump: Not interesting

At his campaign rally across town, Trump declared the debate unwatchable and instead promoted himself, unchallenged.

— I kept America safe. I kept Israel safe, I kept Ukraine safe and I kept the world safe, Trump told his supporters.

His rivals now have just over two months to make up ground in public opinion before the primaries begin – the process by which the party unites behind a candidate. On January 15, the first vote will be held in the state of Iowa.

The candidate nominated by the party will face President Joe Biden in the November 2024 presidential election.
