About 60 people stuck at Kebnekaise mountain station

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Due to the high water levels, it is not possible to get down from the mountain with either skis or scooters. In addition, strong winds blow which make it difficult to get there by helicopter.

— We advise people not to try to get out of here. But we are trying to get helicopters here within the next few days that can fly our guests out, says Carl Johan Ingeström, who works at the mountain station, to the newspaper.

According to Ingeström, something similar has not happened for several years.

One of the guests who cannot leave the mountain station is the former EU minister Hans Dahlgren (S), who has been on a hiking trip with his daughters.

— We have been on a long hike. We were supposed to go on a scooter to Nikkaluokta here in the morning, but it has been too hot so the surface is unstable and now the weather is too harsh, so it won’t work, he tells Aftonbladet, adding that they are now passing the time by, among other things, playing The alphabet.
