About 15 million pieces! Captured in Saudi Arabia

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Approximately 15 million captagon pills, hidden in a concrete block production machine, were seized in the Port of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

In the written statement made by the Zakat, Tax and Customs Administration of Saudi Arabia, information was given about the large amount of drugs seized at the Jeddah Port.

It was stated that during the control of a shipment reaching Jeddah Port, 14 million 976 thousand captagon pills skillfully hidden in the concrete block production machine were seized.

In the statement, it was also stated that in cooperation with the Zakat, Tax and Customs Administration and the General Directorate of Combating Narcotic Crimes, a person who was the recipient of the shipment in Saudi Arabia was detained.

No information was given about the nationality of the detained person or where the drug shipment was made.

In a drug operation in Saudi Arabia on March 23, 3 million 320 thousand amphetamine pills hidden in lemons were seized. It was recorded that two people, one of Jordanian and the other of Syrian nationality, were detained during the operation. (AA)
