Abortion at the heart of the Democratic “midterms” campaign

Abortion at the heart of the Democratic midterms campaign

With less than two weeks to vote in the midterm elections in the United States, the Democrats want to make abortion rights one of the main axes of the campaign after its cancellation by the Supreme Court. A subject on which the Republicans are rather low profile. Illustration during the televised debate between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, often presented as Donald Trump’s successor, and his Democratic rival. œ

With our correspondent in Miami, David Thomson

It is a simple and precise question posed by the moderator at the thirtieth minute of debate. “From how many weeks of pregnancy should abortion be prohibited? Behind his desk, the governor of Florida, however an ardent pro-life activist, prefers not to answer.

His Democratic rival Charlie Crist is much more comfortable talking about abortion. ” Do you want to completely ban abortion? He refuses to answer this questionhe says. I don’t want to ban abortion. I want Florida women to retain the right to choose. And I want to make sure we don’t end up with a governor who won’t even grant exceptions for rape or incest. »

Not enough to beat the Republicans

In this campaign for midterms Democrats hope to mobilize voters still shocked by cancellation of the right to abortion by the Supreme Court. The decision is rejected by more than 60% of Americans. No wonder the subject embarrasses Republicans like Ron DeSantis. But that will probably not be enough to deprive the governor of Florida of a second term.

The rising star of the American right, who barely hides his presidential ambitions, leads his Democratic rival by ten points in the polls. Abortion ranks far behind the economy and inflation in the list of concerns for American voters.
