ABC Company announces capital increase results

Takeover bid Reevo provisional results bidder for 989 of the

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – ABC Company Società Benefit, announces that today it has completed the capital increase approved on 29 September 2022 by the Board of Directors and that it has obtained subscriptions for 664,000 new shares of category A to a price of 3.4 euros for a total value of 2,257,600 euros.

Were then signed by BICE 332,000 class B shares. The new shares will be issued with a value date of 31 August 2023.

Therefore, ABC’s share capital will be made up as follows: BICE 35.29% of the capital, INCAB 5.37%, Palace 3.41%, Solanto 3.41%. The free float on the market is equal to 52.51%.
