Abbott resumes production

Covid 19 and an industrial scandal cause an infant milk crisis

In the United States, the shortage of infant formula continues. But the Abbott company, one of the main producers, restarted its factory on Saturday June 4, the closure of which had partly caused this shortage.

With our correspondent in the United States, Loubna Anaki

The recovery was expected by millions of parents who have struggled to feed their babies for weeks. The Abbott group has relaunched its Michigan factory and will start by producing its hypoallergenic milk as a priority, the first boxes of which should arrive in stores on June 20. The plant will then resume production of the other milk powders in its range.

►Also read: United States: a shortage of baby milk turns into a political crisis for Biden

Abbott, which controls 40% of the baby milk market in the United States, found itself in the middle of the news when its Michigan factory was closed by the Federal Food and Drug Administration, in particular for non-compliance with hygiene rules. A closure that led to an unprecedented shortage in a market already affected by supply problems linked to Covid-19.

Air lift

This prompted the government to intervene. Accused of delaying action, Joe Biden ordered the establishment of a air lift to bring in tons of overseas-made baby milk. But, if the authorities welcome the reopening of the Abbott factory, it will take several weeks, even months, for the situation to be back to normal.

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