Aatu Kangasniemi pushed the ball further than any other Finn at the age of 18 | Sports in a nutshell

Aatu Kangasniemi pushed the ball further than any other Finn

On Saturday, 18-year-old Aatu Kangasniemi of Espoo Tapioen pushed the men’s Olympic shot put with a handsome curve of 17.70 at the Leppävaara stadium.

At the same age, no other Finn has been able to do better than Aatu Kangasniemi.

Until now, the longest Finnish streak was at the age of 18 Niko Hauhian 17.67 pushed in 2007.

Mika Vasara has pushed 17.63 at the same age, indoor track world champion Mika Halvari 17.62 and Olympic champion Arsi Harju 17.60.

Earlier this summer, Kangasniemi pushed a six-kilogram junior shot 20.50, which is also the best result ever pushed by an 18-year-old in Finland.
