A2A, presented the 7th Valtellina and Valchiavenna sustainability report

A2A placed a 600 million euro green bond Order 3

(Finance) – The energy produced by A2 in Valtellina and in Valchiavenna it derives from 100% from renewable sourceswith the multi utility that manages 10 dams and 20 hydroelectric power plants. Furthermore, in 2021 2,790 GWh of green energy were generated, 984 GWh in the Nucleo di Mese and 1,806 GWh in that of Valtellina, avoiding the emission of 1.2 million tons of CO2. These are some of the data that emerge from the seventh edition of Valtellina and Valchiavenna Territorial Sustainability Report of A2A, which reports on the environmental, economic and social performance of the group in the area in 2021 and the business plans for the next few years.

“The presentation of the Sustainability Report dedicated to Valtellina and Valchiavenna is an important meeting for us to discuss and share with our historical territories and with all stakeholders – comments the president of A2A Marco Patuano – In a context such as the current one, characterized by a complex geopolitical scenario and the energy emergency, A2A has confirmed its solidity and has continued to invest in the growth and safety of its plantshelping to preserve a precious resource such as water, managing it carefully “.

“In the course of 2021 the economic value distributed was equal to 43 million eurosnew people have joined the group and the commitment to promote social, cultural and environmental interventions continued “, he added. In particular, 14 new resources were hired at the offices, of which 43% were under 30 years of age. About 5,000 hours of overall training were provided, of which 72% in the safety field.

In 2021 A2A supported the development of the territory by distributing 43 million euros, in the form of dividends, local taxes, orders to suppliers, rents and concessions and employee remuneration. They were also allocated over 8 million euros in infrastructure investments and maintenance of plants, with an increase of 26% compared to 2020. They were 30 local suppliers activatedof which 90% are micro and small enterprises, for a total amount of € 7.1 million.
