A2A, Patuano: “Private individuals ready to invest capital in renewable energy but we need to speed up”

A2A Patuano Private individuals ready to invest capital in renewable

(Finance) – “The results of the study show that in our country there is ample room for improvement in the production of green energy starting from the peculiarities of each territory, on the basis of existing resources and existing plants. In the current scenario, through the making the most of its available renewable sources, such as wind, sun, water and waste, the Center and South can make a concrete contribution to the country’s energy independence.An important goal that also requires a paradigm shift in which collaboration and dialogue become fundamental open and transparent between institutions, citizens and businesses”. That’s what he said Marco Patuano, president of A2A on the occasion of the presentation of the report “Towards Italian energy independence: the role of central and southern Italy” held this afternoon in Rome, at the Civita Association.

Italy today is fifth last in Europe for energy autonomy but second for the availability of resources on its territory. In this scenario, what contribution can the Center and South provide?

“It is an extraordinary contribution. The central south benefits from absolutely extraordinary geographical and therefore meteorological conditions in terms of both photovoltaic technology, therefore solar, and wind technology. If we imagine a triangle that goes from Puglia to Sicily to Sardinia, we have fantastic wind conditions that can be exploited, I would like to underline this, in full compliance with all environmental constraints. We must accelerate because in any case it is a project that

it inherently has enormous complexities. They are technological complexities but above all they are authorization complexities, you have to choose where to make these systems. Then there are the complexities of transport, once the energy is made in the South, it has to be transported to the North. A truly country system planning is required. The South can certainly be a mine of energy, but this requires a country effort that must be absolutely planned”.

What thrust can the PNRR give to this process?

“More than the PNRR itself, the impetus can be given by all the measures that are made possible or necessary by the PNRR. For example, the entire review of the authorization process has many links with the PNRR. Today the problem is not so much finding investors whether they are interested in investing in renewable energies, almost all private investors are ready to invest their own capital in this sector, the theme is that today, from the moment of the decision to the moment of realization, seven years go by and that is still too many”.

Where is Italy in terms of energy recovery from waste treatment?

“Italy has a very uneven situation. We have regions that have made a lot of progress because they have appropriately infrastructured with waste treatment plants and, I want to emphasize this, not only for energy recovery but also for
recovery in the matter which is the first objective of anyone involved in waste treatment. However, there are other regions which are far behind, which either continue to export their waste or, worse, use landfills. This is an absurd way for us to waste what may be a heritage that derives from secondary raw materials. Also in this case we need a large investment plan, we are talking about many billions of euros, to be invested within a country plan to homogenize the situation throughout the national territory”.
