A2A opens a new phase of confrontation with the European institutions

A2A Luca Moroni responsible for Administration Finance and Control

(Finance) – A2A consolidates his presence in Brussels to contribute to the debate that will define the environmental and energy choices of the European Union. The goal is to put the experience that the Group has gained in the communities it serves at the service of the institutions.

A2A therefore wants to join its voice to the Italian system to help represent the country in the European forum by promoting the teamwork between institutions, associations and businesses. Brussels, the common European House, represents in this sense an opportunity to build a sustainable future together.

A meeting will be held this evening at the Ambassador’s residence jointly organized by A2A, the Embassy of Italy in Belgium and the Permanent Representation of Italy to the Union in which the Ambassador will participate Francesco Genuardi and the Ambassador Pietro Benassi with Marco Patuano And Renato Mazzoncinirespectively Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Group.

“I believe that at the moment what is needed to overcome the current energy crisis is more Europe,” he said Marco Patuano, President of A2A – a more cohesive, more united and supportive Europe, which moves with a single voice to try to give a unified response to the needs of citizens and businesses. We are here today to take up the challenge that the situation proposes and to team up and win it
together “.

“The ecological transition needs a global solution starting from local peculiarities. The motto of the European Parliament is” united in diversity – he comments Renato Mazzoncini, CEO of A2A – the need for a direction and a common project emerge with ever stronger clarity. A common goal expressed in specific commitments and solutions. A study that we carried out together with European House-Ambrosetti on energy autonomy reaches a similar conclusion: everyone must play the part of him according to his own potential “.

Tomorrow will be dedicated to a series of meetings in the institutional framework of the European Parliament and the Commission. The energy crisis but also the climate and environmental crisis are on the agenda
