A2A is awarded 4 auction lots for gradual protection service

A2A places bonds of 500 million linked to sustainability

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – A2Athrough the subsidiary A2A Energia – a company that operates in the sale of electricity, gas and energy efficiency services – has won important tenders of national importance, confirming its strategic line of development.

At the end of the auction procedures for identifying the operators of the Gradual Protection Service for the supply of electricity to micro-enterprises, the Single Buyer communicated to A2A Energia the assignment of four lots: lot 3 (Abruzzo, Marche , Umbria and the provinces of Forlì-Cesena, Ferrara, Ravenna, Rimini), lot 8 (Molise, provinces of Frosinone, Grosseto, Livorno, Lucca, Massa-Carrara, Pisa, Pistoia, municipality of Rome), lot 10 (Sardinia and provinces of Caserta and Naples, excluding the municipality of Naples) and lot 12 (Sicily).

L’award refers to the four-year period 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2027 and concerns about 500,000 supply points, for a total volume of almost 1 TWh/year.

This result – explains a note – adds to the recent assignment, again by the Single Buyer, of 4 lots (corresponding to 11 Regions) for the Safeguard Service for the years 2023 and 2024, for a total volume of over 2 TWh /year.

Furthermore, several lots linked to CONSIP tenders have been definitively assigned to A2A Energia, which are not yet effective since the procedure for finalizing the procedure is still underway. As far as electricity is concerned, lot 2 (province of Milan and province of Lodi), lot 8 (Tuscany), lot 9 (Umbria and Marche) and lot 12 (Abruzzo and Molise) for a total volume of over 2 TWh/year. Lot 8 (Abruzzo and Molise) has been assigned for natural gas for a total volume of approximately 40 million cubic meters.

With this important result, A2A Energia takes a further step forward in the path of development and growth at national level in the sale of electricity and gasin all markets and in all customer segments, as envisaged in the Group’s Business Plan” – he declared Andrea Cavallini, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of A2A Energia -. Our daily commitment is to meet the needs of customers, guaranteeing them a quality service and offering a range of integrated solutions”.
