A2A Ciclo Idrico and Impresa Pizzarotti & C together for the efficiency of the Italian water cycle

A2A Luca Moroni responsible for Administration Finance and Control

(Finance) – A2A Water cycle And Pizzarotti & C they signed a cooperation agreement for the development of initiatives related to the integrated water cycle. “The centrality of the water resource – underlines A2A – is an issue that is increasingly felt in the territories and at the international level: guaranteeing access to it and preserving its quality and quantity is increasingly strategic, also in light of the ongoing climate changes”.

The two leading companies in the infrastructure and energy sectors have launched ajoint business activity to identify, evaluate and proceed with the study and award of contracts relating to water networks for the reduction of losses, revamping and upgrading of purification plants and the installation of sensors for monitoring leaks.

“The agreement unites two solid industrial realities attentive to innovation and sustainability, fundamental elements in the process that must be faced in the coming years in Italy to give our country’s water service the dignity it deserves with the construction of the missing plants and the network efficiency “states theCEO of A2A Ciclo Idrico Tullio Montagnoli. The company – which is part of the A2A Group, manages a network of over 3,500 kilometers and annually supplies around 50 million cubic meters of water, serving over 225,000 users – therefore wants to share that know-how in research and renewal of the aqueduct infrastructures that has allowed over the years to improve the quality standards of the service offered to its users.

“The partnership with A2A – he commended Marco Cavallero, director of the Smart Green and Renovation BU of Impresa Pizzarotti & CSpA – represents an important step in the path defined by the industrial plan and in which the Pizzarotti group is investing heavily. We believe that the complementarity between the two companies and the sharing of strategic objectives can contribute to the improvement of the national water system, with positive impacts on the territory and benefits along the entire supply chain “.
