A woman was murdered at LSS housing – the company’s CEO is charged with work environment violations

– In his capacity as CEO of the company, the defendant has been responsible for the murdered woman’s work environment. The investigation has shown that there are shortcomings in the company’s systematic work environment work, says Jennie Nordin, prosecutor who has led the preliminary investigation.

The prosecutor believes that the company did not carry out a sufficiently accurate risk assessment and thus did not take the necessary measures to ensure that the perpetrator could not use violence against staff.

Murder in nursing home

  • After the LSS murder: Investigation shows shortcomings in psychiatry

  • Maria’s daughter was murdered at work – now she demands compensation

  • – If any of these measures had been taken, the incident could with a high degree of probability have been avoided, says Jennie Nordin.

    The prosecutor also demands that the company pay a corporate fine of SEK 2 million.

    The CEO declines to comment on the charges but denies wrongdoing. The CEO’s lawyer Göran Smedberg believes that what happened is a tragedy, and that it is good that it is now being tried in court.

    – We look forward to a legal trial, but my client denies that any crime was committed, says Göran Smedberg.

    Reported the murder himself

    It was on November 17, 2022 that the police were alerted to an ongoing serious crime of violence at an LSS residence in Enköping. The person who raised the alarm was a man in his 20s who lived at the nursing home who stated that he had killed a woman who worked there.

    The man was later sentenced to forensic psychiatric care for the murder.

    “A lump in my stomach disappeared”

    When SVT reaches the murdered woman’s mother, she feels relieved.

    – The best day in a year and six months. I thought the news would come after the holidays, so it came as a shock that it came today. But it feels like a lump in the stomach disappeared. My daughter is not coming back, but this is some form of compensation for us, says Maria Redlund.
