A week without social media would be enough to repair young women’s self-image

A week without social media would be enough to repair

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    Daily use of social media is harming young women’s self-esteem and body image, according to a Canadian study. But this perception could improve by stepping away from social media for just one week.

    Worldwide, 4.6 billion people use social networks daily, and among them, women aged 18 to 29 are the most numerous. In this context, a study from York University in Canada highlights the harmful effects of this use on the self-esteem and body image of these young women. However, just a week of rest would be enough to reverse these effects.

    This study, published in the journal Body Image, was conducted on 66 participants aged 17 to 24, divided into two groups. 34 of them were instructed not to go on social networks for a week while the other 32 were asked to continue using them as usual. The difference between the two groups would be clear, according to the researchers.Young women who took a week-long break from social media saw significant improvements in their self-esteem and body image, particularly among those most vulnerable to internalizing a thin ideal.they indicate in a statementPsychology professor Jennifer Mills, co-author of the study, even speaks of “significant differences between groups.”

    This study clearly demonstrates the influence of social networks on appearance-related anxiety, the quest for thinness and the eating disorders that result from it. Women are, moreover, more affected than men, for whom a week without Instagram had no notable effect. Results that reinforce the idea that women, especially young women, are particularly affected by the pressure of idealized body images conveyed by social networks.If we spend more time in real life, socializing with friends, sleeping, going out, exercising, there might be secondary behaviors that fill the void left by social media.” explains Jennifer Mills.

    We hope this study can be used to protect young people and encourage social media companies to give users more autonomy in how they interact with these platforms.” she concludes.

    The consequences of low self-esteem on relationships with others

    Slide: The consequences of low self-esteem on relationships with others
