“A way of loving” by Dominique Barbéris, the discreet force of desire

A way of loving by Dominique Barberis the discreet force

In this literary season, the writer Dominique Barbéris returns with an elegant novel which subtly paints the portrait of a secret, melancholic woman who leaves her native Brittany with her husband for Cameroon in the 1950s for the excitement of Douala in the eve of independence.

Three times nothing is already something », the French comedian Raymond Devos used to say. Dominique Barbéris’ novel is a novel of three times nothing. It is in fact with very small touches, almost on tiptoe, that Dominique Barbéris paints for us the portrait of a woman from the 1950s.

A discreet, reserved, silent woman, from a modest background, transplanted from her peaceful native Brittany to the warmth of Douala, in Cameroon whose upheavals of the time are preparing the accession to independence. A woman who will live next to nothing, but who will live “ something “, A ” almost nothing » which says a lot, but without really saying it.

A way of loving, of Dominique Barbéris, is published by Editions Gallimard.

Rebroadcast of the show from Thursday August 29, 2023.
