A “wave reserve” created in Brittany: what is it?

World Ocean Day but what is the wave reserve created

Surfers have mobilized to create the NGO Save The Waves coalition to create wave reserves. The objective aims, on an international scale, to protect coastal ecosystems where the waves are of high quality. Since the beginning of 2022, France has also had its very first wave reserve. Focus on a concept still unknown in our country on the occasion of World Oceans Day.

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Marine parks, the high seas… On the occasion of the world oceans day on Wednesday, June 8, you may come across one of these words. The first designates marine areas intended to protect the seas and oceans from overfishing and tourism of mass (among others). The second refers to the maritime waters of the Planet which do not properly belong to any nation — they are also known by the legal term ” international waters “.

But it may be that your eyes or your ears also stop on the word “wave reserve”. And for good reason: the very first in France was born last February, on the beach of Port Blanc in Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, in Brittany.

It was surfer Erwan Simon, co-founder of the France Hydrodiversité association, who was behind it. As its name suggests, a reserve of waves is to protect the quality and potency of the swell in a specific place. the movement of a wave depends on the surrounding environment: windrocks, sand, seabed… And surfers are the first in line to defend this hydrodiversity since it is closely linked to their favorite activity!

Protecting the waves, what for?

According to the description of the NGO Save The Waves Coalitionworking to protect the sites of surf in the world, a wave reserve consists of safeguarding exceptional waves of the buildings aimed at breaking or reducing their energy and their intensity waves (dykes, moles, breakwaters, etc.).

Save The Waves flagship program proactively identifies, designates and preserves exceptional waves, areas of surf and their environments around the world. ” This global network of designated surf reserves that are managed, enforced and protected by local communities “, specifies the NGO on its site Internet.

To date, there are about fifteen wave reserves in the world: Gold Coast (Australia), Ericeria (Portugal), Punta de Lobos (Chile), Santa Cruz (United States)…

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